RAGT finalist for the 2024 Arable Awards in the “Agronomist of the Year” category

Published on 17 July 2024
We’re proud to share that our fantastic Seed Production Agronomist, Nicola Pace, has been chosen as a Finalist for the 2024 Arable Awards in the “Agronomist of the Year” category.

This award recognises an agronomist who not only stays current with crop options and agronomy but also goes above and beyond to support growers in solving problems and producing high-quality, profitable crops.

Nicola, who has been a dedicated agronomist for 12 years, didn’t come from a farming background but discovered her passion for plants at Lincoln University, where she earned her Bachelor’s in Agricultural Science.

“Staying current with industry trends is vital, so I actively participate in events like SIRC field days, FAR events, and other industry gatherings. Engaging with R2N breeders and exploring international innovations, such as RAGT’s Genserus Wheat, allows us to add value to farming systems” Nicola shared.

Nicola’s recognition as a finalist is a testament to her unwavering dedication and expertise. She is highly respected by both growers and colleagues.

“What I love most about the industry is the people. I’ve built strong relationships with growers, and it’s the shared passion and drive for continuous improvement that motivates me,” Nicola adds.

Congratulations, Nicola, on this well-deserved acknowledgment! We wish you the best of luck from all of us.

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