Media Latest NEWS and useful information [MEDIA] - Filtre categories Select contentAll topicsCompanion speciesEndophyteFodder beetForage brassicasForage cerealsLucerneOn-farm solutionsPeoplePerennial grassesShort-term grasses On-farm solutionsPerennial grasses10/03/2025A smart alternative EndophyteOn-farm solutionsPerennial grasses04/03/2025Proven in Trials, Thriving in Fields – RGT Hustle RGT18 On-farm solutionsShort-term grasses27/02/2025Maximise Pasture Productivity with Smart Sowing On-farm solutionsShort-term grasses12/02/2025A strategic investment this autumn People22/01/2025Bringing Expertise to Support Waikato Farmers On-farm solutions01/12/2024Bringing Our Cultivars to You Perennial grasses18/11/2024Effective Early Management for Thriving Grass Pastures Fodder beetOn-farm solutions04/11/2024Key agronomic practices to maximise beet yields EndophyteOn-farm solutionsPerennial grasses30/10/2024Growing great lambs with RGT Hustle RGT18 People25/10/2024The newest face at RAGT EndophyteOn-farm solutionsPerennial grasses14/10/2024Make Animal Safety A Top Priority EndophyteOn-farm solutionsPerennial grasses07/10/2024ETC Insect Ratings : A Critical Component EndophyteOn-farm solutionsPerennial grasses03/10/2024The Importance of Testing Endophytes through the ETC EndophyteOn-farm solutions26/09/2024How do RGT18 Alkaloids Compare to Other Endophytes? EndophyteOn-farm solutionsPerennial grasses18/09/2024What is an endophyte and why do I need it? Companion speciesEndophyteFodder beetForage brassicasForage cerealsLucernePerennial grassesShort-term grasses11/09/2024Introducing RGT: New Prefix for RAGT CultivarsPeople03/09/2024NEWS RELEASE – Agreement reached on the acquisition of Deleplanque Group by RAGT Semences Companion speciesOn-farm solutionsPerennial grasses02/09/2024Reducing Synthetic Nitrogen Use with RGT Nouga Tall Fescue and Legume Paddocks Companion speciesOn-farm solutions26/08/2024Summer Superfood for Dairy Cows LucerneOn-farm solutions19/08/2024Optimising Lucerne Cultivars for New Zealand Farm Systems Fodder beetOn-farm solutions12/08/2024Autumn Lactation and Fodder Beet: A Valuable Feed Option Fodder beetOn-farm solutions05/08/2024Superior Production Gains from Fodder Beet Fodder beetOn-farm solutions30/07/2024The Ultimate Crop for High Yields and Cost-Effective Feed Solutions Fodder beetOn-farm solutions22/07/2024There’s a RAGT Beet for Every Farm System People17/07/2024RAGT finalist for the 2024 Arable Awards in the “Agronomist of the Year” category EndophyteOn-farm solutionsPerennial grasses08/07/2024RGT18 – The New Novel Endophyte Everyone Is Talking About People01/07/2024RAGT’s New Field Solutions Specialists
EndophyteOn-farm solutionsPerennial grasses04/03/2025Proven in Trials, Thriving in Fields – RGT Hustle RGT18
EndophyteOn-farm solutionsPerennial grasses03/10/2024The Importance of Testing Endophytes through the ETC
Companion speciesEndophyteFodder beetForage brassicasForage cerealsLucernePerennial grassesShort-term grasses11/09/2024Introducing RGT: New Prefix for RAGT Cultivars
People03/09/2024NEWS RELEASE – Agreement reached on the acquisition of Deleplanque Group by RAGT Semences
Companion speciesOn-farm solutionsPerennial grasses02/09/2024Reducing Synthetic Nitrogen Use with RGT Nouga Tall Fescue and Legume Paddocks
Fodder beetOn-farm solutions30/07/2024The Ultimate Crop for High Yields and Cost-Effective Feed Solutions
EndophyteOn-farm solutionsPerennial grasses08/07/2024RGT18 – The New Novel Endophyte Everyone Is Talking About