RGT Punter Chicory : A Summer Superfood for Dairy Cows
Particularly favoured in the North Island, chicory’s peak growing season from spring through autumn aligns with the region’s summer months, offering a timely boost when pasture quality typically declines.
Chicory’s deep tap roots are its secret weapon. They allow the herb to thrive even during dry spells, ensuring that dairy cows have access to nutritious feed when other options might falter. Therefore, RGT Punter chicory is a prime candidate for use as a high-quality, short-term feed source during the warmer months.
Farmers can utilise RGT Punter chicory either as a sole sward, as a specialist crop with clovers, or mixed with grass and clovers. Its most effective in rotational grazing systems, where it delivers substantial, palatable yields from spring to autumn.
RGT Punter Chicory is a strategic asset in dairy farming, offering high-energy forage for optimal animal health. View our guide to read more : RGT Punter Chicory_Guide